
The Volkis are participating in many adventures. Here you can download their books in digital format for free.

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Terms of use: The book “Discover volcanoes: Enjoy with the Volkis their volcanic adventure” is published under a CC By-NC-ND (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) license. Downloading and sharing is allowed freely as long as proper credit is given. It may not be changed in any way or used commercially. For more information about the CC By-NC-ND license click here.

Do you want to cite the Volkis?

Schamuells, Nia, Geyer, Adelina, Aulinas, Meritxell, Dorado, Olaya, Hopfenblatt, Joaquin, & Marti, Joan. (2022). Discover volcanoes: Enjoy with the Volkis their volcanic adventure (v.1.0). Zenodo.